Saturday, April 25, 2009

True Family Lawyer

I think a true family lawyer needs to be able to help a client with choices - for example, reconciliation, peaceful settlement, collaborative law, or litigation.  A marriage booster(tm) marriage agreement, as an option, can help a couple with problems save their marriage. 

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

peaceful family law litigation

As I look at what families need in our family law system, perhaps the MOST important thing is a model for peaceful family law litigation.  why?  Because most couples will not choose collaborative law, and because uncontrolled litigation is destructive to families.  Also, if couples are to be given a chance to reconcile, old fashioned litigation just about destroys that chance.  i have been pushing my reconciliation law(tm) practice, which is important, but without keeping litigation under wraps, it probably won't work in those cases.  Also, many couples who have children are not married, so something besides reconciliation law(tm) is needed.  I am exploring a couple of models from Indiana that manage litigation.  stay tuned.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

I like litigating

I just think that its bad for most families. Occasionally, there's a really good case where I think that its the only choice. In most family cases, thats where there is untreated mental illness or drug or alcolhol use, ususally demonstrated by bad behavior that is really hurting a spouse or a child. Those are the cases where divorce is probably justified or a post divorce or custody case where there has been no marrriage. Of course, I still prefer "peaceful" litigation, but sometimes the only choice is to hunker down, start strategizing, taking depostions and going to court.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

marriage or divorce - your choice

I propose that a couple go through our mental toughness for marriage program - then give yourselves 90 days for it to work. The program includes traditional marriage ed - conflict management, communication, budget, and forgiveness skills; and goals, focus, confidence and coping training - taken right from the world's greatest athletes' mental training and applied to couples.

Then, if you still want to get divorced, we'll do a divorce mediation for half the usual cost.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Mental Toughness for Marriage, Families and Children

What does mental toughness have to do with marriage, families and children?  Mental Toughness is from the world of sports and is best defined as "GFCC" - "Goals, Focus, Confidence and Coping".  It is our unique family education program using traditional marriage and family skills education combined with mental toughness training.   I believe that marriages and families and children need to set goals and learn how to focus, develop confidence, and cope.  Contact us whether you are trying to prevent a divorce or strengthen yourself and your kids at the thought of going through one.  

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