Saturday, December 12, 2009

Collaborative and reconciliation Law

Collaborative Law seems to be taking off in Houston. Its been here 10 years, but has been slow to take root. My experience tells me that its a better choice in most cases than litigation. If you and your spouse and the other parent don't cheat on your tax returns, then you are probably good candidates for collaborative law. And that probably includes most people.

The other exciting thing about collaborative law is that it gives you the best chance to stay together if either one of you are looking at that option. Right now, we are offering reconciliation coaches if either of you wants to work on the marriage.

Collaborative Law gives you the best chance to preserve your emotional and financial capital whether you stay together or not.

Its good for your kids too.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Tiger Woods - what about your family?

We are looking for athletes and their spouses or partners to work on their relationships with us. We do marriage coaching. Of course we can do a friendly or not-so-friendly divorce, but I always recommend that couples look at staying together first.

I've been waiting for something to make me do what I've always wanted to do. Its now happened. Tiger Woods has slipped - not perhaps in his golf game but in his personal life. We do not know whats going on with Tiger but lets suppose that he and his wife Elin Nordegren are having problems. They have 2 young children. He is the world's richest athlete, she is a model. Do they love each other? Do they have the skills to have a good relationship, to be responsible parents? Are they willing to acquire them if not? (Never mind the legal consequences for possible criminal conduct for assault and interference with police investigation, that is not my area). Is he having an affair, and if so do they want to overcome it? Do they want a divorce, and if so will it be it be in a friendly manner? What is best for their kids?

Athletes and their spouses have a very high divorce rate and many have children and are not married to the other parent. No matter how much money they have many lose it before or after their career ends. They are under the public spotlight with much pressure to perform. They have the opposite sex throwing themselves at them.

Otherwise they are just like us.

Athletes , we want you to work with us- you take care of charities, what about your families?

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